Eggs baked in the oven with cheese, cream, and fresh herbs served with baguette. Perfect for brunch, special occasions, and big appetites!

1 clove garlic, minced
1 tsp fresh thyme leaves, minced**
1 tsp fresh oregano leaves, minced**
1 1/2 tsp fresh parsley, minced**
2 tbsp parmesan, grated**
12 large eggs
1/4 cup heavy cream
2 tbsp unsalted butter
Salt & Fresh Cracked Pepper
Gluten free toasted Baguette (my favorite is Against the Grain)
**Experiment with different herbs and cheeses, smoked gouda is another favorite
1. Preheat oven to 400 F, and grease a cast iron skillet or casserole dish
2. Combine garlic, herbs, and cheese and set aside
3. Into the skillet, pour the cream and add the butter. Crack the eggs carefully into the dish (to keep the yolks from breaking) spaced around the dish. Sprinkle with the herb and cheese mixture and sprinkle with salt and pepper to your taste preferences.
4. Place the skillet into the oven and let bake about 5-10 minutes until the whites are cooked and the yolks are just set (time depends on how runny you like your eggs).
5. Be careful, eggs will continue to cook after you take them out. If you'd like it a little more brown on top, turn on the broiler and watch like a hawk to make sure it doesn't burn!
6. Serve with fruit, bacon, toasted baguette, and anything else!